Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sharing a Meal

A ministry that Jordan and I have truly enjoyed since we arrived is simply having people over to our house for lunch or Once (more to come on Once). Having a space to entertain is such a blessing, and we have had a chance to get to know many people in the church and community by sharing a meal with them.
A few weeks ago, when Jordan's mom was here, we had our Pastor and his wife over for lunch.
Here is that day in pictures:
Juice and Bowls


Checking out the soup

Imac, ready to help out if I need a taster

Jordan and his beard just before he cut it 

Busy busy kitchen

Bubbling beets!

Getting a group picture

Still working with the cammy

There it is!

 All in all, close friends, good food, and fabulous conversation in not one, but TWO languages!

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