The past week and a half he's been building a roof at our Pastor's Christian Preuniversity. (What's a Preuniversity? Basically a year long SAT prep school that most Chileans take after high school.) The roof is covering one of the classrooms in the Preuniversity building that previously suffered from MANY leaks and poor ventilation. It's a praise to the Lord that our pastor now has enough students to fill this classroom, which was just used as a study area last year, but it has meant a great deal of work for J.
Basic structure up, with the beginnings of what will be the siding
Covered roof, now on to closing up the sides
He always amazes me with his ability to come up with designs in his head, and truly make some awesome structures! (See: Our wood shelter, our fence, my kitchen table, etc.) It's also a bonus that here you don't need permits for anything, allowing for a lot less red tape and paperwork to go through to build something like this (don't get me wrong, there are some definitely questionable structures around here, that could use some permit action!) And for all of you contractors out there going eek! that is barely waterproof and up to code! I say to you one word: money! I know that Jordan would have much preferred to have built this with all new material and much more solidly, but he did what he could with the funds he had to work with from the PreU, another way this man astounds me, his ability to always find a way to make it work even when he doesn't have much to work with.
I wish I had gotten some pictures of before he put up the paper and roofing, but alas I forgot my camera that day!
I'll try to get more photos up once it is completely finished
Anyway, next time you see the man you should give Jordan a pat on the back for all his hard labor down here in Chile - or at least I will!
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