Thursday, March 15, 2012

2nd Annual Pijamada

Well a little over a week ago I hosted a "end of summer" sleepover for the girls in the youth group, we did the same last year. Though in the end no one actually was able to sleepover, everyone stayed late and we spent a lot of time getting to know each other.

Last year we hung out, ate, watched movies, and played games. This year I switched it up a bit and had more prayer and sharing time.

I shared my testimony, along with two of the other leaders in the youth group, and some Bible verses about women. It is awesome to see how much God loves women, how they were able to serve Him while he was on the earth, and how His mercy and grace for us is never-ending.

Oh how He loves us!

I gave each girl a card with a name of God on it along with a corresponding verse, and then we prayed over these names, understanding a bit more the depth of God's character.

We then lit candles, played some worship music, and the leaders and I washed the girls' feet and prayed for each of them. Some of then shared their testimony, and we were able to pray over the new creation they are in the Lord.

Bookmarks with an important reminder

We ended the night very late, but feeling much more connected as a group and as daughters of God. It was awesome, and a huge blessing to be able to get to know more girls from the youth group in a deeper way. I will definitely be doing this again in the future!

Some verses we looked at that night:
Luke 7:36-50 -- Jesus' feet washed by a sinful woman
Luke 8:1-3 -- writes of how women were also helping Jesus' ministry.
Luke 8:40-56 -- Jesus healing the bleeding woman, calling her daughter, and raising a girl from the dead.
2 Corinthians 5:17 -- we are all new creations in Christ when we accept him is our Savior!

Have a great Thursday!


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