Our dear dear friend, Denis, has been in the hospital for a little over a week now. We thought we'd blog this prayer request so that anyone who sees this can be praying for our "Chilean grandmother." She is a fabulous woman, but unfortunately has been hospitalized with fluid in her lungs. She has recooperated greatly from when she was initially sent to the hosptal, but she still needs more tests so that they can understand how to fix the problem. Thanks to all of you who have some time to pray for her...we thought we'd put up some pictures of her so you could get to know our Chiki-D!
This is from when we all went to see Harry Potter, Chiki may have fallen asleep for some of the movie, but she reassured us she was "just listening"...we had a good time teasing her about her sudden ability to speak English because the movie was spoken in English with Spanish subtitles :)
This is from one of the times Denis came over for lunch at our house - shortly after Rudy and Ida (her grandson and his wife) left for Sweden.
This is Paty, Denis's daughter. Paty has been our Chilean mom since we arrived, always having us over for her delicious cooking. It's always a super fun-filled day when we hang out at their house, we usually spend Sundays with them.
This is Pancha, Denis, and Ida at the mall. Same trip to see Harry Potter. Everyone is eating Swedish candy that Pancha brought back from Sweden- YUM!
This is at Thanksgiving, Rudy made sure he was awarded Best-Dressed for this particular party. It was a good day...we taught the Chileans about the gluttony that is our fantastic holiday.
This was taken last February when Missy came down with a group from Capstone. Two of the students stayed at Paty's house, and from this picture you can get an idea of just how cute our little Chiki is!
We love you Chiki, get better soon!
Jordan and Missy
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