Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit

This verse has been coming up a lot lately in my life, thought I would share with all of you. 
Happy Tuesday!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live in the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 

Galatians 5:22-25

En cambio, el fruto del Espíritu es amor, alegría, paz, paciencia, amabilidad, bondad, fidelidad, humildad y dominio propio. No hay ley que condene estas cosas. Los que son de Cristo Jesús han crucificado la naturaleza pecaminosa, con sus pasiones y deseos. Si el Espíritu nos da vida, andemos guiados por el Espíritu. 

Galatas 5:22-25

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just call us "Reid Hostel"

So for a few weeks there we felt like a hostel having so many different people passing through our doors to stay here in our humble Chilean abode. First we had our Portland friends for about 5 weeks, then we had a Brazilian and Argentinian stay for 2 weekends - leaving to work in Dichato for the week in between - and during that week we hosted some friends from the East coast who are travelling around South America rock climbing. Needless to say we had some busy days, but it was great to meet some new people and catch up with old friends. Here are some photos from the last 2 weeks of homestays.

Andres and Rafael, from Argentina and Brazil, were a real treat to have over - they were super funny guys and had great attitudes!

Having Rhane and Lucy over meant some amazing food - they had some awesome vegetarian dishes that just blew us away!

Chopping up all the summer fruit and veggies

Delicious morning egg dish, chock full of all the veggies you can imagine!

The black bean burger has come to Chile, and it is delicious!

Thanks everyone for really blessing our house by your presence,
Missy and Jordan

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Outreach Event

So I have been planning a kids event in the center of town (the plaza) for like....ever! Hoping we could get the help we needed to run something like that, praying for the city to give us the time to rent the plaza for the event, etc.

Well, it finally happened!

We had an extravaganza of Tome proportions last week in the plaza; filled with music, dancing, crafts, games, prizes, and evangelism!

It was an amazing time of seeing just how faithful God is, and how He moves at just the right time.

Initially I wasn't too sure it would even work out -- mostly because I was given a full 2-days notice to get it all together, and then when we arrived there was a huge stage and band being set up in the exact place we were going to hold the event. In the end, however, it ALL worked out and we got to spent the day playing with kids, sharing Jesus with them and their families, and just loving on the people in Tome. I had some amazing helpers that made it go so smoothly - namely a group of Bible school students who did some skits and another group of girls who do outreach events in the form of music and dancing. Everyone came together to really engage all the kids passing through the plaza that day, and it was an amazing boost to see so many kids dancing and singing along to some upbeat Christian tunes, and then praying with us for Jesus to come into their hearts!

We are hoping to do another event soon -- now that I've got one under my belt it seems so doable to plan another!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saying Goodbye

A week ago we said goodbye to some friends from Portland. They were able to be down here for about seven weeks, to share in the little paradise that is Tome, Chile. It was sad to see them go, but far sadder for the Chilean friends they made that may not see them for a long long time. They were able to experience a lot in the past seven weeks, and we are so glad they did. It is always awesome to be able to share this place with friends and family, it always reminds us of how great this little town is.

The kids with their Chilean babysitter

Such a little model

Chilean friends

The Portlanders

They touched a lot of lives down here, and made some great friendships that will last a long time. All arrived home safe and are still adjusting to the fast-paced life that is the good ol' USA, thanks for coming down guys!
-Jordan and Missy

Friday, February 10, 2012

What my chicken stock was missing....

So, they don't sell any kind of stock or broth down here in Chile. Anytime people ask how I make my risotto or soups I have to explain that I put old chicken bones and some veggies in water and cook it for hours and hours....to this I usually receive an interested but, "I would never do that" kind of look. There are bouillon cubes for that Missy!

Needless to say, I like how my food comes out if I've used my own stock, and it helps me keep track of everything that is going into the dish. Bouillon cubes can definitely help out, but they usually scare me away with the crazy amount of salt and msg.

Ok ok, I'm getting off my soapbox about bouillon, and back to my original post -- what my chicken stock was missing! For about a year now I had been using Alton Brown's chicken stock recipe here. When I didn't have a big enough pot I just cut the recipe in half - including the cooking time. BIG MISTAKE! After doing more research, I realized that the cook time was the most important part, meaning the longer the better! This time around I went for it - cooking my stock the full 8 hours - and BAM it was awesome! Mucho mucho better than my previous stocks, I could tell by the color, texture, and taste that this was really something to write home about. Though it only yielded 3 quarts, it seems worth it for all the extra nutrients gleaned in those 8 hours - and it's not like I had to sit there watching it or anything.

Also, I started reading this blog's Perpetual Soup idea and while I don't have a slow cooker down here, it made me want to start drinking bone broth! Have any of you heard of this idea? Sounds great for the winter time, when we are perpetually cold and sick.

Have a great day, may you be very blessed in your current cooking endeavors!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Garden Squash

Well, if you saw the video from last week, you know how large the squash from our garden is. If you missed that post - here is a picture of one of the 3 we've got growing back there:

That's right! Just water and sun and a bit of compost and voila!

Having a very large squash on my hands I decided to do some research on what I could make with it. I found a few recipes that were for this specific type of squash (There were many more for zucchini or butternut types) but I played with a couple different recipes to see what I could get out of them.

First I tried a squash mash, which basically means you boil squash pieces and then mash them with butter and salt and pepper. It wasn't too bad, but definitely would have been better if it were a butternut variety. 

So much squash!

I then mashed it up and...you get the idea.

The second recipe I tried was for some squash fries. They turned out pretty good, but we found that they are much better hot than cold. For the recipe go here. Again, probably would have been better if it were a butternut or something.

Add some homemade black bean burgers to the mix (thanks to a recipe from Jordan's friend Rhane!) and we had ourselves a very vegetarian friendly lunch.

They were mighty good together.

If any of you have recipes for green squash (it definitely isn't zucchini - the peel is very hard) I'd love to hear about them!

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday Madness

Hey All,
So this Sunday our kids class was crazy-sauce! We had a ton of kids (Praise the Lord!) and service ran long, so needless to say it was a lot of work. The upside was that all the kids are just fantastic, and while the craft is much more popular than the actual lesson, they are getting more and more into it and truly amazing me with their growing knowledge of the Bible and our Lord Jesus!  This week we talked about angels, and had a great discussion about different angels appearing in the Bible.

Everyone working on their angels

The finished product, angels of all colors and sizes

Spending some of our extra free time coloring

Working hard and enjoying the morning.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers for this kids program, I have been abundantly blessed to see the growth in these children the past year!
